Pomegranate : Red rubies in thick shell.
Pomegranate : Red rubies in thick shell.

Pomegranate : Red rubies in thick shell.

Pomegranates are the red little rubies inside the removable hard shell. No matter how hectic it appears to peel the hard peel of this fruit, once you get inside of it, you are going to be absolutely amazed by the tantalising taste and the beautiful colour. 

Today, we are going to peel the information about the pomegranate for you.

What is a Pomegranate? 

Pomegranates are reddish round fruits the size of an orange. It has a 5mm thick skin to hold the gel covered seeds neatly packed in rows. Pomegranates are seasonal summer fruits and they tend to get very expensive after the season. On the LooseNatural farm they ripen in October.

It is recommended by professionals to consume it every day. Pomegranates are packed with edible juicy seeds known as arils. Pomegranates are rich in antioxidants and flavonoids that keep the number of red blood cells in check.

Why should you use Pomegranate? 

Pomegranates are low in calories and fat but they are rich in fibre, vitamins, and minerals, even proteins. The abundance of antioxidants in this fruit does wonders to damaged cells and rejuvenate them to their former best. Pomegranates are rich in polyphenolic compounds which may have heart health benefits.

Studies have shown that having pomegranate may help with urinary health as it may help with keeping the kidneys healthy.

Who needs to use Pomegranate? 

Everyone should have pomegranates in their daily healthy breakfast routine. For the one who wants to keep digestive health properly intact, consuming pomegranates may help with that. It may help people who want to strengthen muscles and build bodily strength.

If anyone is feeling sick, pomegranate can be a good fruit to go with a get well soon card.

How to have Pomegranate? 

Pomegranate consumption comes in different forms. From pills, medicinal tablets, you name it. The medicinal world has truly packaged these healing properties well. Fitness lovers consume pomegranate by making a juice out of it. This sweet-tasting healthy beverage may work fine for everybody. As usual, should you notice any side effects it is recommended that you consult a medical expert.

The classic way of consuming pomegranate is peeling off the thick skin, collecting the little red beads in a bowl and consuming them fresh. 

At LooseNatural farm we have an orchard of pomegranate trees. In summer we water them every 14 days and in winter they are pruned. The beautiful red flowers are something special to see. The Mediterranean climate suits these trees well as rain causes the fruits to crack and burst open. Our long, hot and dry summers allow the fruits to be deep red and sweet. 

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