Best way to work permaculture!
Best way to work permaculture!

Best way to work permaculture!

People always wonder “how permaculture works?” We are going to try our best to answer this question. Permaculture is a pure way of holding hands with mother earth and growing plants. In permaculture farming you always need to be alert. No matter what nature brings you, you have to handle everything with calmness. 

Permaculture is not just agriculture,  its a whole new technique of agriculture.  It is a revolution in agriculture. 

Permaculture is based on ethics of taking care of earth and earth taking care of us. Permaculture helps to retain diversity in the ecosystem. It is helpful for maintaining the balance in nature. In permaculture, we focus on not harming nature and yet getting all the products naturally. 

In permaculture we try to produce less waste, we try to save and store more energy, we observe nature and weather, with that we interact and take actions. We try to induce as many varieties in the permaculture garden.

Timing is the most important thing in permaculture farming. One needs to observe everything and plan according to that. One should know when to plant what type of seeds. Also one has to be prepared with all the tactics to face the weather change. 

Permaculture is a holistic approach to designing sustainable systems for agriculture, horticulture, and community development. It is based on the principles of natural ecosystems and seeks to create efficient and sustainable human environments by working with nature instead of against it.

Permaculture places a strong emphasis on observing natural systems and patterns, and understanding the relationships between organisms in the environment. Design strategies in permaculture often focus on promoting biodiversity, increasing resource efficiency, and creating closed-loop systems that minimize waste and maximize productivity.

Some of the key techniques used in permaculture include:

1. Agroforestry: planting trees and crops together to promote a healthy, diverse ecosystem.

2. Companion planting: planting crops that support and protect each other, such as planting beans with corn and squash.

3. Soil building: using techniques such as cover cropping, composting, and mulching to build healthy soil and promote plant growth.

4. Water harvesting: collecting and storing rainwater for use in irrigation and other purposes.

5. Natural pest management: using biological methods such as companion planting and encouraging predatory insects to control pests, rather than relying on chemical pesticides.

Overall, permaculture is a holistic approach to sustainable living that seeks to create a harmonious and regenerative relationship between humans and the natural environment.

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