Acorn: Goodness in a nutshell
Acorn: Goodness in a nutshell

Acorn: Goodness in a nutshell

loosenartural organic acorn

Acorn for personal use …

Everyone knows the famous love story of the Ice Age squirrel and an acorn.

Here, we are going to talk about the star of the movie Ice Age, the acorn.

What is an Acorn?

An acorn is also known as an oak nut. There are around 600 species of acorns on earth. It is said that Oak tress might even have survived the Ice Age. 

These cup-shelled nuts are naturally found in Andalusia are in Spanish the trees are called Encinas. the acorn is called bellota.

Acorns usually have one seed per stalk, if you are lucky you can also find two suspended, side by side. 

Acorns take 6-24 months to fully grow from flower to seed. 


Why should you use it?

The benefits of acorns are innumerable. In this world of processed food and junk food, acorns will help you ingest the nutrients needed by the human body.

No wonder that the delicious Iberian ham comes from pigs that feasted on acorns. 

 Important benefits of consuming acorns:

1) Lower high blood glucose levels

2) Lessen mental irritation 

3) Promotes good digestion

4) Make available concentrated energy

5) Further cerebrum wellbeing


Who needs to use it?

1) People suffering from diarrhoea. Acorns remedy diarrhoea because it 

reduces episodes of contractions. 

It helps lower the rate of water loss from the body. 

Reduces the volume of stools. 


How to use acorns for diarrhoea?


Mix Acorn flour with water to make paste.. 

Consume this glue with honey to stop diarrhoea.


Dry some acorns and cut them finely. Consume these slashed oak seeds to dispose of the looseness of the bowels.


2) Acorn magic for diabetes

Acorns are enriched with enzymes called ‘alpha-glucosidase’. It prevents the hike in blood glucose levels.


3) Anti-herpes acorns:

Herpes virus attacks one with a poor immune system. 

Acorns can help you strengthens your immune system that in turn may kill the virus or reduce their rate of reproduction.


4)Anti-bacterial acorn:

If you are bothered by bacterial infections, acorns are at your rescue. Consuming acorns will help to get bacteria out of your system. 

5) Lower cholesterol level with acorns. 

It is scientifically proven that cholesterol can be lowered by consuming acorns. 

Acorns have a very healthy fat composition. Composition of acorns reduces the level of bad cholesterol and acts to protect the heart.


How to consume acorn?

1) Soak and then drain the oak seeds, permit them to dry and finally crush them into flour.


2) Bake biscuits, and bread with acorn flour. 


3) Garnish your salad with roasted and chopped acorns.


4) Make a hot cup of acorn coffee.


On the Suerte del Molino farm in Huelva, Andalusia we have almost a hundred acorn trees that are between 700 and 900 years old.

The acorns fall from the trees when some strong Atlantic winds shake the trees between September and November.

It is collected by hand and stored in a low light and constant low temperature environment.

Chemicals have never been used on the LooseNatural farm.

The cool conditions of the Northern mountain slope and the dew that is produced by the moist Atlantic air do secure a perfect habitat for our Oak trees.

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