Chamomile: Little bundle of health …
Chamomile: Little bundle of health …

Chamomile: Little bundle of health …

Chamomile is one of the rising starts in organic medicine as it is taking its rightful place in todays stressed life. I am sure you’ve heard about, seen a social media video about chamomile tea. The daisy-looking herb is a wonder for good health, better skin also for optimum mental health.
Chamomile tea is a popular beverage amongst seniors but today the tea is making an amazing comeback in health enthusiasts of all ages.

What is chamomile?

Chamomile is a daisy-like plant that is beneficial for human health.
Matricaria recutita and Anthemis nobilis are two species of chamomile that are used as herbal beverages.

Why you should use chamomile?

Chamomile holds the legacy of the best medicinal herb. It can be consumed as well as can be used in different forms like soap, oil and cream. Today, due to social media the awareness of chamomile tea has spread amongst youngsters. Depression, which is one of the biggest problems people are facing these days can be mitigated by this herb.

Who needs to use it?

Chamomile can be used in many forms and can help reduce various health issues. If you have an upset stomach, chamomile can do wonders for
you gut lining. Children can easily become the victims of a bout of diarrhoea. Chamomile has been scientifically proven to be useful to treat upset tummies in children.
It is said that depression, stress, and anxiety disappear with the help of chamomile as it helps to calm down a person’s nervous system.
Chamomile is safe to consume orally and as a potion externally. Caution should always be practiced and one should not overdo the use of any remedy.
Women know how menstrual cramps can be painful during the menstruation days of the month. Chamomile can render a soothing feeling to the abdomen and lessen the cramps. So, if your lady friend or family member is going through such pain, offer her a warm cup of chamomile tea.
Lowering blood sugar may be achieved by consuming chamomile. Having chamomile at home is always helpful. It is a homemade remedy for even
treating cold symptoms.
People who are already on medications, alcohol users, and some types of anti-depressants or benzodiazepines should not consume chamomile.
Also, people with allergies should not take chamomile.


How to use it?

Chamomile is used in different ways. The most common way to consume chamomile is by preparing an infusion. People use dried chamomile flowers to add to hot water. The boiling water extracts the goodness of chamomile.

Most skin lotions contain extracts of chamomile. It is said to be beneficial to the skin. The extracted oil from chamomile is used in cosmetics and essential oils.
Chamomile soaps are gaining popularity amongst women. Girls are including chamomile in their beauty routine. Whipped cream and lip balms of
chamomile provide moisture to the skin. Chamomile bath bomb gives relaxation after having a hectic day. It is a stress-relieving technique that should
be tried.
The health and beauty benefits of chamomile are well researched and published. Chamomile should be available in every kitchen.

At LooseNatural we hand pick the chamomile flowers in spring as they grow wild on our farm.
The flowers are dried in low light and dry space and we make sure it is kept at a constant temperature below 18 degree Celsius during the drying process. It is quite difficult to achieve naturally as the days can be hot and dry.

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