What does LooseNatural stand for?
The LooseNatural organisation shares natural skill sets, skills that free individuals from outdated mindsets and help them update the stories they hold about life and themselves.
It is uniquely human to have stories about ourselves as animals do not make up, use or tell verbal stories.
The story about ourselves we hold dear, as it’s the mental blueprint of whom we think we are and whom we think we should be.
It takes the first 25 years of our lives to mentally publish the first draft version of whom we think we are.
It all starts around the age of three when we find ourselves bombarded with notions of our own sexuality.
This hormonal surge just happens to us as it isn’t something we can opt in or out of.
Around our thirteenth year, we experience another huge hormonal rush about partnering and procreation.
It is also the time when we start receiving social interference about what it means to be natural.
The strong social message is to postpone any reproduction and focus on studies and a future career.
Around the age of twenty-three, we are once again subject to hormonal upheaval as the life force in us demands that we reach conclusions about
who we are and the implementation of the vision we have for ourselves.
It is uniquely human to have stories about ourselves as animals do not make up, use or tell verbal stories.
The story about ourselves we hold dear, as it’s the mental blueprint of whom we think we are and whom we think we should be.
It takes the first 25 years of our lives to mentally publish the first draft version of whom we think we are.
It all starts around the age of three when we find ourselves bombarded with notions of our own sexuality.
This hormonal surge just happens to us as it isn’t something we can opt in or out of.
Around our thirteenth year, we experience another huge hormonal rush about partnering and procreation.
It is also the time when we start receiving social interference about what it means to be natural.
The strong social message is to postpone any reproduction and focus on studies and a future career.
Around the age of twenty-three, we are once again subject to hormonal upheaval as the life force in us demands that we reach conclusions about
who we are and the implementation of the vision we have for ourselves.
Many people are even uneasy reading this as it brings back many traumas and unsolved issues.
Unfortunately, most of our stories about who we are, are based on these traumas we have experienced during the three hormonal spurts in our lives.
Our stories are based on innate instinctual nature unfolding in us and our stories then become entrenched laws on how to live life.
People are in need of skill sets on how to be loose in being natural instead of being stuck in outdated mindsets.
To be natural is a good rule but any rule may eventually become rigid and loses its original meaning.
To be able to be loose while we practice being natural, may just be the saving grace that we yearn for in our deeply troubled human souls.
At LooseNatural we share skill sets about being loose in relation to how we perceive our natural human state.
A good starting point to acquire skills in being loose is through interaction with nature.
Unfortunately, most of our stories about who we are, are based on these traumas we have experienced during the three hormonal spurts in our lives.
Our stories are based on innate instinctual nature unfolding in us and our stories then become entrenched laws on how to live life.
People are in need of skill sets on how to be loose in being natural instead of being stuck in outdated mindsets.
To be natural is a good rule but any rule may eventually become rigid and loses its original meaning.
To be able to be loose while we practice being natural, may just be the saving grace that we yearn for in our deeply troubled human souls.
At LooseNatural we share skill sets about being loose in relation to how we perceive our natural human state.
A good starting point to acquire skills in being loose is through interaction with nature.
Nature doesn’t care about change, on the contrary the very essence of nature is meaningful change.
How we view nature will offer awareness about how we see life and ourselves.
Once we can set nature free from being a monoculture production line then we can do the same for ourselves.
Once we have successfully reformed our views and practices on our interaction with nature, then we will be armed with an arsenal of skills that can
serve us well in living meaningful lives.
How we view nature will offer awareness about how we see life and ourselves.
Once we can set nature free from being a monoculture production line then we can do the same for ourselves.
Once we have successfully reformed our views and practices on our interaction with nature, then we will be armed with an arsenal of skills that can
serve us well in living meaningful lives.
Introducing head of LooseNatural

Martin is the founder of LooseNatural.
He founded this organisation as he successfully gained skills through his studies, teachings and personal experiences over many years.
Martin became aware that fixed personal blueprints limited him from living the meaningful life he knew he was capable of living.
He spent many years studying and then teaching others to rid themselves of an unbalanced existence that depltes us from the joy of being alive.
Martin believes that deep personal life experiences should entice people to be creative in amending their personal blueprints instead of being dragged down to a colourless existence.
One of his favourite sayings is: “Surely walking is far more efficient when one uses two legs instead of hopping on one leg!”
This concept of having a natural blueprint for life is as old as the mountains.
The cosmological myths of creation are the oldest stories we humans have about ourselves and the world we live in.
To have a story for life doesn’t mean that the same story should last a lifetime.
It means that we have a story about life that should serve us well at this very moment.
Stories should be evergreen, they should go through seasonal stages and they should bear fruit.
He founded this organisation as he successfully gained skills through his studies, teachings and personal experiences over many years.
Martin became aware that fixed personal blueprints limited him from living the meaningful life he knew he was capable of living.
He spent many years studying and then teaching others to rid themselves of an unbalanced existence that depltes us from the joy of being alive.
Martin believes that deep personal life experiences should entice people to be creative in amending their personal blueprints instead of being dragged down to a colourless existence.
One of his favourite sayings is: “Surely walking is far more efficient when one uses two legs instead of hopping on one leg!”
This concept of having a natural blueprint for life is as old as the mountains.
The cosmological myths of creation are the oldest stories we humans have about ourselves and the world we live in.
To have a story for life doesn’t mean that the same story should last a lifetime.
It means that we have a story about life that should serve us well at this very moment.
Stories should be evergreen, they should go through seasonal stages and they should bear fruit.
Osho, the Indian spiritual leader used this loose/natural concept extensively in his teachings.
He encouraged his followers to have a blueprint of being natural but also to ensure that they stay loose in their view of what natural is.
African women make free use of the concept of loose natural hair instead of having to wear locks that trapped them in fashion styles.
Aristotle believed that change was a natural occurrence. He used his philosophy of form and matter to argue that when something changes,
its properties are changed without changing its matter.
Nature does follow its own intrinsic rules and at the same time, it is loose enough to adapt, grow and develop.
In nature, everything is perfect and nothing is perfect.
To flow with nature is no easy task and for that, we need some help and it is available in the form of techniques.
Techniques can be further reduced into skill sets.
African women make free use of the concept of loose natural hair instead of having to wear locks that trapped them in fashion styles.
Aristotle believed that change was a natural occurrence. He used his philosophy of form and matter to argue that when something changes,
its properties are changed without changing its matter.
Nature does follow its own intrinsic rules and at the same time, it is loose enough to adapt, grow and develop.
In nature, everything is perfect and nothing is perfect.
To flow with nature is no easy task and for that, we need some help and it is available in the form of techniques.
Techniques can be further reduced into skill sets.
LooseNatural stands for:
i) motivating people to live meaningful lives
ii) assisting people to learn techniques and turning them into skills
iii) making us of nature as the ultimate example of loose and natural
iv) handing people opportunities to share as natural human beings
i) motivating people to live meaningful lives
ii) assisting people to learn techniques and turning them into skills
iii) making us of nature as the ultimate example of loose and natural
iv) handing people opportunities to share as natural human beings